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How my journey began…


Rosa Lee lives in a sleepy hamlet in the Wiltshire, U.K, countryside, surrounded by beautiful countryside and men in camo. She is mum to three beautiful womb monsters, wife to a very understanding husband and joint owner of one dog, seven chickens and a number of fish. When Rosa is not writing, she’s making historically accurate linen garments for reenactors, films, museums and anyone else who wants them! She also loves gardening and growing her own veg, and making clothes out of fun fabrics for the children and sometimes, if she’s lucky, even herself. her favourite colour is rainbow.

Rosa started writing during the third lockdown. Covid-19 had meant that her sewing work had dried up and she had time on her hands and characters clamouring to be set free.

What People Are Saying…


“If you haven’t read the Highgate Prep series, go now and read it!!! You won’t be disappointed!! All the stars to you, Rosa!!!”

— BookBub review of Bound

I love these books so very much!! Bound is book 2 in the Highgate Preparatory series and Rosa blew me away with this one!!

— BookBub review of Bound


“If you’re looking for a book that builds characters and has an amazing storyline, I would definitely recommend starting this series!”

— BookBub review of Bound

“I’m out of words, Rosa slayed it! Just wow, wow and wow again! Bound was the kind of story you couldn’t stop until the end. From the very first chapter I was hooked and finished it in a row.”

— BookBub review of Bound

“You are the light that draws us in like moths to a flame, and we would willingly burn in the depths just for a single taste.”